Author Archives: Fat Lad

Fat Lad Reveals The Eight Secret Ways to a Happy Spanner Monkey

Bicycle mechanics are, by and large, simple creatures. The pay is typically poor, the hours retail and we’re hidden away with the tools in the dark places. But… we love it. Wouldn’t have it any other way. Broken bikes turned into pedaling pride and joy is a thing of brilliance. However to make your local […]

Fat Lad Advent: Dec 3rd to Dec 7th

*cough* *splutter* *cough* *sniff* Yep that’s right the man flu has really taken bloody hold of me. I’m getting old that’s for certain. Still no off-road action for this chunky chappy and the dream slips further and further away. Also the good bottle of Whisky a friend has promised me is disappearing faster than can […]

Fat Lad Advent: Dec 2nd

No off road pedaling today for me. The continuing bad weather plus the start of man flu has stopped any hope of getting out. I work in Leeds City Centre again and on a bike mechanic’s wage it would absolutely drain my salary in parking costs. So I park on the outskirts of the city […]

Fat Lad Advent: Dec 1

It’s been snowing a bit here this week. Well more than a bit really: Clicky for News Nuggets. The thing is with snow riding as this chap will tell you is that it’s either really ace or really shite with not much in between. Anyways with 305 miles to do I figured I’d brave the […]

Fat Lad Catch Up

Well hello there, how are you? Long time no see. You’re looking well, have you lost weight? Whatever you’re doing dear readers keep it up as you really are looking fabulous… So here’s where I’m at: Life Life is actually really good at the minute. I was made redundant from my last wrench trench but […]

Fat Lad Wants…

wants: all the shiny-new make-me-better-more-awesome-super-stoked parts likes: the ever narrowing waist, the increasing lungs and heart, the growing miles capable on this chunky fuel tank loves: dry trails, muddy trails, good times, better friends, stunning scenery, soul filling shared moments hopes: that this will never ever end needs: to ride… Fat Lad

Fat Lad’s Tweet Rides – June: @BadlyWiredDog’s Top Secret Twitter Ride

Junes virtual shout out for riding companion was answered by BadlyWiredDog AKA Jon. As far as I can tell, as I don’t have any vetenary or electrical qualifications, he has neither loose connections or any canine credentials.  I drove back over to Hayfield where Outdoors Photographer and all round nice chap Richpips had guided us […]

Fat Lad’s Tweet Rides – May: @RichStwit’s Rock’n’Roller

If these Tweetup rides are to teach me anything I think the main learning point will be the non-epiphanical that, no really, I couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery. I had originally supposed to be riding with Si over at Gisburn the week before, LINK however we managed to miss each other at […]

Fat Lad Needed A Damn Good Ride

It started like all good things with the best of friends. The too low incandescent sun turned singletrack into zoetropic cinematic strobe pathways. The sky began cartoon bi-plane blue easing into flame copper lastly to inky cobalt clear cool night. In truth there was probably more rotation of gossip than pedals. Hills were attacked both […]

Fat Lad Is Out Of Sorts

Not sure how capitalised that title should be but hey ho. Thoroughly fucking fed up is the only way I can describe things. My resolutions/targets are becoming like Albatross around my neck. We have an uninhabitable flood damaged dining area due to ‘turns-out-to-be-the-completely-wrong-fucking-one-pump ‘ and my beloved bikes are now probably being ridden by some […]