Fat Lad Has Arrived

Right at the very heart of it....

We’re here*, despite the best efforts of the job-specific-fuck-you attitude and downright nastiness of US customs and the piss poor music taste death wish yellow cab driver we are here.

Whilst we arrived unscathed yet tired, the fine baggage handling miscreant low brow genetic deadends at the airlines however have damaged Mrs Fat lad’s bike quite badly.

First up the brake lever:

and the rear mech hanger:

The guys at NYC Velo shone stripping a new hanger from a shop Kona to keep us rolling and I’ve now got a V brake to get Sarah rolling again.  What a start to our holiday…

Fat Lad

*Don’t worry I’m not going to turn this into a holiday blog and I’ll still only be posting bike related nonsense whilst I’m here – Judith Chamlmers I am not…