Mrs Fat Lad likes riding. But her day job is more like a all-bleedin-day-and-most-of-the-evening-and-a-good-proportion-of-the-weekend job. So when the opportunity to go out riding on the weekend together we jump on it. The initial plan was to set of 9ish am, so when we set off at 11am, a fine Fat Lad tradition was continued. (The bed was sooo warm and comfy I was going nowhere until I was damned well ready).
So with the hearse packed we were ready to go. I’m not the best driver in the world so with my current vehicle currently missing a spare wheel I took it steady on the journey to Nottingham. It was a pleasant change not to get lost, but that because my better half was doing all the navigating in between mocking my driving skills and telling me how much she was looking forward to the ride.
Like I said, I’m not a great driver and I don’t particularly enjoy the experience usually but with fantastic company and a soundtrack of Levellers and The Dead Pets all the way there it made a pleasant change.
When we landed we unpacked the hearse got ready and scooted over the route board to see what we fancied doing. Mrs Fat lad suggested the green route and off we went. The paths there are the same managed bridleways that you get in any Forestry Commission site and roll really well. We pootled round and before we knew it we were back at the start. With a little breather for Mrs Fat Lad and we decided we’d have crack at the blue route as well. In the blue route there is only really one climb and after making the ascent we both stopped for a little rest and to play about with the camera. (Soon to be in the gallery). About half way round the blue route my better half started to flag so we decided to take the shortcut and head back to base. With the end in sight a clicking that I’d been trying to figure out where it was coming from suddenly became a lot louder and annoying. Turns out to be a very loose spoke. Good job we turned back early, being a ahem larger fella loose spokes can cause funny shaped wheels quickly.
Back at the start I got the very nice gents at Sherwood Pines Cycle Centre to tighten my spoke and true the wheel which they did for a very reasonable price indeed. Stood around waiting for the wheel to be fixed I noticed the unmistakable smell of chips. Me and Mrs Fat Lad decided that in the interests of cosmic balance we should consume all the calories we had managed to burn on the trail in the centre’s cafe.
Mmmmmm cheesy chips. Food of the gods. I shall say no more. (only because typing this is making me hungry!)
With sliced fried potato and the rest lining our bellies it was back into the hearse for more good music, company and really god awful driving.
I was so tremendously proud of Mrs Fat lad I don’t think I can put words on the screen to describe the sheer joy and pride of seeing her combat her own fitness demon and not give up even when the pain starts.
I Love You Sarah
Fat Lad
One Trackback
[…] The February tweet up ride was organised with a, quite frankly, scary for me early and efficient manner. Kate offered her local trails as a venue for the second tweet ride. So Wednesday 24th of February saw me tootling down the motorway in Pugsley to the sunny climes of Nottingham. My only experience of riding in Robin Hoods county had been a few years previous when Mrs Fat Lad and I had a steady pedal round Sherwood Pines (Click me for details). […]