Fat Lad is a Muppet*

*you guys got The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Benny Hill. We got The Muppet Show. I think that’s a fair swap 😀

On Sunday’s Ladybower not supposed to be an epic the outer running to the front mech split leaving me for pretty much all ride on granny ring alone. To be honest it was that bloody hilly I didn’t notice so much. This left me all Bank Holiday Monday to get it fixed. However as Mrs Fat Lad used me as unpaid muscle to slave in the garden I completely forgot about it until I was too sunburned and nettle stung that evening to care.

Fast forward to Tuesday it means I have to get home from the day job, download Sunday’s GPS log, give the bike a rinse**, then fit a new cable outer. Oh, then get to the other side of Wakefield for the ride. For a man of my calibre? Piece of proverbial.  With the stars aligned and the wind blowing the right way the rarest of rare events occurred:

A five minute job took five minutes.

I was chuffed.I was ready. I loaded the car then set of for the trailhead***. Arriving early, plenty of time to get ready then this happened:

Have another look.

Can you spot the schoolboy error?



I brought a not-at-all matching pair of disco slippers. One side with completely worn and deathtrap worthy cleat and the other side with still new and tight deathtrap worthy cleat. It made pedalling interesting. To quote Carol:

“At least you brought a left and a right!”

Fat Lad

** Calling it a wash is far too generous…

*** We don’t really have trailheads here, we usually call them Pubs