Fat Lad is Getting Really Quite Fat Again

“F*ck me sideways! I weigh how MUCH?!” was the alarmed call that rang out this morning in Casa de Muchacho Gordo. The alarmed call from our scales was “One at a time please porky!”

So as of now I’m going to try public humiliation/shame as a tool of motivation. The Victorians had their freak shows traveling from town to town and now in the modern digital age we only get to gawp at the less evolved amongst us via the high speed medium of the intarweb…

So every week until something like normality returns to my more than ample waistline I will post on a Wednesday morning my waist measurement (as determined by the quite lengthy circuitous route round my belly button) and the numbers as reported by my quite clearly untruthful scales. So the start up is:

Weight: 13 Stone 7 Pounds (That’s 187 for our transatlantic brethren)


Waist: 38 inches

The best I have been in recent years is:

Weight: 12 stone 9 pounds (177 pounds for those in the colonies)

So, feel free to berate, give advice or throw rotten virtual fruit at me. My weakness are:

  • A sweet tooth
  • Leggy Brunettes
  • Using So too much to open sentences
  • and a quite frankly disgusting lack of willpower.

I eagerly await your correspondence.

Fat Lad