Fat Lad’s First

We all know that feeling. You never forget your first.

Many will come and go. Some brilliant some not so much. But you never have that same feeling again. The sweaty palmed heart in the mouth anticipation of each meeting and the accompanying hot headed short lived joy. The heartbreak of those that fail and even more so for ones that aren’t just quite there.

Those that come after will almost be better for you. More suited, more aligned to your temperament, the older wiser you that doesn’t need all the hot blooded craziness of youth.

Perhaps now it’s comfort rather than passion you desire. Steady rather than speedy. Reliability over good looks and unblemished supple curves.

I remember my first as if was only yesterday:

But Mine was red...

A Raleigh Activator II. Well what else could I possibly mean…

Fat Lad