Fat Lad’s January

Running Goal – To run at least once a week:

So far so good. I’ve run at least once a week so far, having real success with the Couch to 5K plan (C25K) from Cool Running. I’ve repeated week 4 twice due to a pulled quad muscle but I’m starting to feel each run getting better and stronger.

Riding – To Ride 2000 Miles in the year.

Well for January I managed 90.18 miles. The math tells me that I need to do 166(ish) miles a month to hit that target. Admittedly the record snow fall hasn’t helped. This means for the remaining 11 months however I will need to do 173ish miles a month. Easy peasy…


13stone 6 is how I started out in January and I finished the prime month at 13 stone 2. Getting there slowly again just need to stay away from the pies to keep it up…


Is still ace. You can’t beat doing what you love for a living.

Twitter Rides

Again so far so ace, nice little adventure over with Rich. Clicky for details.


The decision was made, piggy banks were smashed open and copper counted out. The Fat Lad household are now proud owners of a van. I must say after doing this hobby with Fiat Punto for a few years:

that having a van makes life so much easier.

In true Fat Lad household tradition of naming inanimate objects this beast of burden has been christened Pugsley. Pugsley the Peugeot van…

Fat Lad