Another month, another 4ish weeks of life flying away like a XC whippet disappearing over the horizon.
Running Goal – To run at lease once a week
This one I’m dead proud of. Now we’re in the new place, original pootler and all round good egg AmyP who lives across from us, has been forcing me out in the ground pounding sneaks. I’m starting to hurt a little less each time. Which is nice.
Riding – To Ride 2000 MTB Miles in the Year
Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear. *sigh*. For April I needed 188.79 miles I actually managed 86.06 miles. Still at least I was up on last month. Life looks like it returning back to normal and the 201.63 miles a month I’ll need here on out should be a piece of proverbial piss…
Since Mrs Fat Lad and I returned from holiday we have made a huge effort to eat right and it’s really paying off. If I could get some more bloody pedaling in who knows how much better it could be…
Twitter Rides
Yes yes I know I still owe you @stucowp’s Lakes land blast but, what’s happened to April’s as well? Stay tuned to find out…
Fat Lad
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