Fat Lad and The Tweet Ride That Never Happened

Another poorly organised Fat Lad excursion led to an awesome day at the brilliant Gisburn Forest under the very finest of English skies with the very finest of mates:

Fat Lad truckin’ along.

Bet that water is bloody freezing.

Looking good fellas. The always brilliant octagenarian Steve on the left and Phil on the right.

The freshly recoated Kona NuNu. Fat Lad household tradition maintained. It’s now called Kermit.

That is actually a lot steeper than this photo does credit…

Phil makes it look easy.

Stunning Views. The scenery not those two muppets…

I always love it when trail indicators have a skull and crossbones on…

Good to go Phil?


Trail Maths: Roller coaster big berms =  big feck off grins 😀

The backs of these two gents is what I spent my time watching on the climbs.

Back at Casa Fat Lad, Phil manned the Barbeque whilst I…


It’s not often we get such clear amazing childrens drawing skies. But when we do we endeavour to do our bit…

Fat Lad