Well hello there, how are you? Long time no see. You’re looking well, have you lost weight? Whatever you’re doing dear readers keep it up as you really are looking fabulous…
So here’s where I’m at:
Life is actually really good at the minute. I was made redundant from my last wrench trench but managed to land on my feet and get another spannering job. It’s for a large UK cycle chain which isn’t ideal but work is work.
The plastic mistress has been replaced and the insurance came good in the end.
The Goals
Running Goal – To run at least once a week
Well this one I’m still going at, just. I run every Sunday for just over a mile. But that’s it. I’m sure I will get the pavement pounding mojo back. But still, I’m dead proud of keeping this one going.
Twitter Rides
Sadly this I failed in October. Trying to organise these has been akin to herding cats. I’ve got a fair few left to write up, coming soon to your interactive haunted fishtank.
Riding – To Ride 2000 MTB Miles in the Year
Ooh this is where it gets interesting as of this post going live I have done 1694.67Â miles, leaving me with 305.33 to somehow cram in. Tomorrow is the start of advent. So every day up to Christmas I’m going to post up mileage left and a piccy from any rides done. Truthfully, I haven’t got a bleeding chance but since when has that stopped this plucky chunky Brit? 😉
Fat Lad