SHEILA! Is the name of Pete’s Missus. I found this out during this ride. I can’t remember whereabouts on the ride she told me but she did. Aren’t you glad I cleared that up? No? Oh well. NEW TOY ALERT 2: I got some new lights because my last ones were pants. They are the lovely shiny fireballs. All lovely cnc’ed aluminium goodness. So, naturally first time I fit them, I scratch them. I’m an idiot.
Anyways Pete Sheila and Roachy turn up at my gaff and I’m not ready (ahh back into the routine… Tardiness I’ve missed you so much). After four of watching my better half parallel park her car, really putting her off in the process, we set off down the lane near my house (where I got cramp).
Into the woods and Sheila was making light work of all the obstacles, roots and the off camber nature of the trails putting me to shame. I was having a hard time of it not made any easier by the fact that my brakes really need bleeding and so there was a sketchy moment or two.
Out of the woods we followed a small road section and cut down a path that during the summer is overgrown with nettles. Again I couldn’t go as fast as I would with problems with the brakes.
After a short climb we had a long, dull, although downhill road stretch to our next off road section. We nearly put Sheila off night riding for life with Roachy shooting off into the distance and not looking back. Fortunately the next section more than made up for it. The path that takes down the back of the industrial estate by the side of the fields overlooks Leeds and on that clear cold night it was an awesome view to climb to.
We took a right turn down a path we’ve never taken before. It was just a lot feckin bumpy which was nice with reduced brakes. We climbed up past my old gaff and towards the train station carrying our bikes down the stairs. None of us we’re daft enough to try riding down. Plus, I’m a bit of a fairy when it comes to steps.
Past the refinery and across the railway line Roachy made a discovery. He found a an old scythe. He decided he was going to ride home with it. Sometimes. Just sometimes. I despair. Half way up the last climb of the night common sense decided to make a visit to Roachy’s brain and he dismounted the bike scythe in hand to stash it in a bush. While he was depositing it in some bushes to collect it later on foot a flock(?) of bats flew out in that beautiful erattic flight path of thiers. On this particular trail in the last year we’ve seen kestrels, foxes and now bats. A short blast and we we’re back home.
God I love these Tuesday rides.
Plus I had many pancakes when i got home.