Fat Lad’s Tag

Nope I’ve not suddenly developed a need to go and spray walls in the more run down areas of my home town nor do I have to be at home before 9pm lest the Ministry of Love come for me, but I have been tagged by TOB. So onwards to more Fat Lad miscellany:

If you could have any one — and only one — bike in the world, what would it be?

Hmm, do you know? I’ve never really though about that. I’m so happy with my current bike that I don’t give it much thought. So lets go with my current steed but with more top flight kit on board.

Do you already have that coveted dream bike? If so, is it everything you hoped it would be? If not, are you working toward getting it? If you’re not working toward getting it, why not?

It’s a brilliant bike as is. Plus when you actually ride these things (a minor fact I think most of the designers overlook) top flight parts break considerably quicker than the not so top flight.

If you had to choose one — and only one — bike route to do every day for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?

Hmmm, that’s an evil question. Nope, not going to answer that the whole idea of cycling is to go places. To only have one route would be my very own ironic hell.

What kind of sick person would force another person to ride one and only one bike ride for the rest of her / his life?

I can think of a few….

Do you ride both road and mountain bikes? If both, which do you prefer and why? If only one or the other, why are you so narrow minded?

I ride both. But if it comes down to a choice I would always ride the knobblies. It’s just so much more fun.

Have you ever ridden a recumbent? If so, why? If not, describe the circumstances under which you would ride a recumbent.
Nope but I’ve always fancied a crack at one. So I too can then sing the praises of having a none damaged prostate….

Have you ever raced a triathlon? If so, have you also ever tried strangling yourself with dental floss?

Now here’s a story for for you. I now own a road bike. I also dabble a bit in running too. So if I started swimming I might be up for a triathlon. I told this to her indoors:

Mrs Fat Lad between streaming tears of laughter: “but you can’t swim!”

She can be an evil woman when she feels like it. And for the record I can swim, I have a 10 metre certificate to prove it!

Suppose you were forced to either give up ice cream or bicycles for the rest of your life. Which would you give up, and why?

Dead easy, Ice Cream. I have sensitive teeth. Now cakes however *shudder*

What is a question you think this questionnaire should have asked, but has not? Also, answer it.

Does sporting a fine pair of sideburns make you more desirable to the opposite sex?
Absolutely, and a spiffing pair of lambchops makes you damned irresistible.

You’re riding your bike in the wilderness (if you’re a roadie, you’re on a road, but otherwise the surroundings are quite wilderness-like) and you see a bear. The bear sees you. What do you do?

Bears! The only wild thing in blighty are the stinging nettles. Errm feed Phil to it and hope he likes the taste of “The Mighty Brommers”

Now, tag three biking bloggers. List them below:

Oooh who hasn’t been tagged yet? Let’s go for:

The Biking Badger
and just because I know Juancho would never lower himself to this sort of thing:

Ok TOB we quits now?

Fat Lad