Fat Lad Rides Three Routes in Three Days

And feck me I’m suffering today for it…….

Sunday 28th August – Reservoir Raid Remix: 11.8 Miles

I rode up to the start point to meet Carol, Mick and Andy. It was a glorious morning and I was glad to be out. It was a fairly uneventful ride with good friends and Carol falling off quite a bit. Up past the church on the climb I turned the corner to find a dog in the path. Sorry but if your mutt is in my way when I’m actually getting up a climb it needs to move or get a Conti Gravity makeover.

The rest of the ride was a steady pedal home. And then Andy says: “Fancy a quick hour tomorrow kid?” I should see these things coming really……

Monday 29th August – Middleton Mosh Recon: 12.5 Miles

With the usual Fat Lad planning (i.e. last minute) I rode up to meet Andy at the chippy. Pete couldn’t make it but came over to the chippy to say hello anyway.

We decided to recce a section of woods I’ve been meaning to add to the ride for a while now and so it was tarmac all the way to Beirut Alley. Getting to where I knew I roughly needed to be using the GPS for what it was bought for we made our way up through the estate and up to the water tower via a nasty short road climb.

Into the woods, and for poor Andy who had to listen to them, a lot of good memories came flooding back to me. Many a night I spent misbehaving on the old Muddy Fox in these woods with good friends. Those trees have seen some bizarre mechanicals, awesome jumps and some crazy falls..

We rolled through the jump spot and arrived at what we’d ridden here for. The single track in Middleton Woods is awesome. It just flows so well. Small berms, take off points, switch backs. It just reminds you why you do it.

I don’t know if it’s the endorphins, the adrenaline or low blood sugar but I always feel like someone who was very close to me and was taken from us all far too soon is riding that singletrack with me. I miss you mate and I know there’s hills wherever you are.
Leading us out of the woods it took two attempts to find the right track but eventually I found it and we climbed back to the water tower and into the estate. Adding the descent from the woods and the momentum that comes with it to the final part of Beirut Alley makes the enclosed nature of the last path like the Death Star Trench scene from Star Wars.

Tuesday 30th August – Middleton Mosh:15.8 Miles

Once more 7pm rolled round and up to the chippy again for more riding. For once the chippy itself was packed and smelled bloody lovely….. With Gezz finish work later than planned and Chip’s mind still at SITS and forgetting he was on lates this week it was the hardcore Tuesday crowd of Pete, Sheila, Andy, Russ and I.

From the start we headed down Scotchman Lane and once again I went much much faster than my ability should allow and had a sphincter tightening moment when I hit 36 mph…

Up to the ruins and my legs were already struggling. It was horrendously humid and hot with every square inch of my body sweating…. ewww….

Pete waited for me at the top of the first climb and we rushed on to catch the rest up.

After a brief rest we made our way to the church and on seeing two old fella’s on the bench we decided to push through the churchyard. On the way past Pete got collared and had to listen to tales of times gone by while the rest of us made our way up the hill.

After Pete caught up we made our down past the drop and I made the short climb on the other side for a change.

From there we rolled to Beirut Alley and up into the new (for the Tuesday guys) section in Middleton Woods. It was the first time I’d ever done this singletrack in the dark and it did not disappoint! I thought it was feckin ace and from the smiles on other peoples faces they did too.

Sheila by now was flagging (yeah yeah me too…) and so rather than climb all the way back to the top of the woods we decided to go back to the road.

I knew there was a path at the bottom of the woods that brought us out of the woods and on to Dewsbury Road but it was dark and to completely honest I had no idea where I was. I was completely winging it. So when we got in sight of the road and could hear the Dam Busters theme being played on a xylophone I had to laugh. (I swear on Mrs. Fat Lads new shoes that this is true all the above riders heard what I did…. turned out to be an Air Cadet band)

At the top of the gravel stream by the White Rose we got discussing next years Sleepless in the Saddle. I’ve decided I’m going to give it ago and to talk some people into it with me. So far the plans include the name “Team Fat Lad” and a minimum weight qualification. Pete would have to go on a strict Fat Lad diet of pies and ale from now until then…

On the last climb of the night it took a monumental effort for both Sheila and I to make it to the top. And then it was home where I collapsed.

Ok so Memory Map reckons that I’ve done just over 40 miles over the three days and I know for most reading this you could probably manage that in one. However I’m willing to bet that you’re not just short of sixteen stone…..

Fat lad

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