Fat Lad Rides the Roachy Ramble

Roachy is a jinx. Not only does he hobble himself with a summer of injuries, but he manages to make me late too. Not quite sure how, but he does. Pretty much every week he’s not been riding, I’ve been either on time (well some times) or just a few minutes late (more than likely).

At the chippy there was a decent crowd waiting to go. Eight in total, not bad to say these Tuesday rides were originally to help with my fitness for the Thursday rides.

Everybody ready we made our way to the first off road track squinting when looking over our shoulders. With a very pleasant surprise we crossed the road to find the gate open. Everyone flying down the trail, dust clouds pluming I stopped to take a piccie.

Golden fields and sunshine. I feckin love it.

With Shiela’s chain twisted during the climb from Nam to the cricket club, we all waited while decisions were made. Quicker than you could shout Chip’ll-fix-it he was working his magic with his pliers and mine.

All mechanicals sorted we were on our way again with both Chip and Gezz clearing the Church Steps. I’m not jealous. Nope. Not one little bit. Ahem.

With a Tuesday pootle first we all made it to the top of the next climb. Momentum carried we made our way to the drop where a kid on a battered BMX offered me swaps for my humble steed. On other rides I’d have probably taken up his offer. But I was buzzing with the last hours of summer and nothing was going to take me from my NuNu.

From here it was steady away home. At my gaff the post ride buzz of the dying hours summers put a big smile on my face.

Fat Lad

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