Ahem From my Inbox:
“so i sit here at work once again the view over the fair city of leeds is burned onto my retina as i have sat here staring at it for the past hour or so wishing i was out there , possibly riding one of my bicycle’s , possibly just reading the paper whilst supping a fine coffee in one of the new ‘lets pretend we are in paris’ cafe bars. i slowly turn back to the flickering of my monitor, check the time – is it really only 11 o’clock – in the back of my mind i can see the fun i know my bike club buddies are having , half of them are up in the dales crunching over frozen hardpacked trails , its cold but the sky is bluer than a blue thing and the air is oh so sweet to taste , the other half are a bit more local, its even possible that at some point i may spot a hint of them in the distant hills i can view from my office window,thats why i’ve turned back to the screen. i’m fully aware and rather critical of the online mountain bike community – (some of them are on there that much i doubt they ever get to ride (a bikes to ride not just to to take crap piccies of to post on ‘look at my overpriced magazine dictate steed’) – but this morning i will have to join them on their virtual ride ‘cos stuck at work it’s the only off road fix i’m gonna get. i trawl through the usual babble and dross about which tyres for wales and how singlespeed riders should be ordained as high buddhist priest etc. my brain slowly starting to melt when it hits me . a regular riding buddie of mine has his own blog, it’s well written, i know the people and the rides he describes are real, hell we even did a ride just the two us the other week,. we had the odd comedy encounter and we took some photos , good fodder for an article on his site. click on favourites click on ‘fat lad’ . disappointment sets back in immediatley, no write up on the ride. nothing to fix the urge for spinning wheels and hills and mud. slowly and dispondantly i turn away from the screen, back to the view of the industrial north.
Sorry dAd, I’ll get typing now, ow, no not the chain whip, please not the chain whip…… what are you doing with that headset press? that’ll never fit there….. blimey thats cold
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